Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Omnitron Defense System Devastated

In the same pug run as Magmaw we totally trashed Omnitron Defense System. It was as intense as Magmaw especially healing, but when we got used to each Golems abilities and shields, it's pretty much straight forward. The key to this fight is to stay persistance and avoid making mistakes such as kite the slimes, move away if you got targeted by Magmatron or Electrical Discharge from Electron. In addition, tanks have to use a minor cooldown whenever they're about to switch to a new golem. This will give healer a breathing space to keep everyone top up and get to the correct positions. Towards the end, we had a healer and a DPS downed, one of our tanks were downed too shortly after when the boss is about 1%, the hunter had aggro and kited the boss away while we're nuking all that we've got and we finally got them. It was awesome!

Omnitron Defense System Devastated

Magmaw Slain by Legendary Players

We got Magmaw downed today with a pug run. Thanks to those who joined including Vokkyn, Ishanie, Coppas, Shamanastic, Arienass, Heiral, Nobslice Vnex and Drejin. You guys are hardcore. We used two stacking points for the healer and range to move away from Lava Parasites and our paladin healer stack on melee. We used two tanks for this fight where they switched right after impale to ensure that they have cooldowns up during Mangle. Overall it's an healing intensive fight, healers are advisable to blow your cooldowns at start due to Pillar of Flame will hit two times. After the impale, it's going to be one Pillar of Flame before the boss will get impaled again thus making healer less stressful.

Magmaw slain by legendary players

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Valiona & Theralion Defeated

Tonight we continued our Bastion of Twilight run and defeated the twin dragons Valiona & Theralion. The fight is pretty straight forward where one dragon is tanked on the ground while the other is flying above you. While we're tanking Valiona, everyone spread out loosely near the boss and must be ready to stack for Blackout which needs to be dispelled as soon as everyone's stacked up. Valiona will frequently do a Twilight Blast which needs to be avoided. We found out the best way to do this was to stay close to the boss and run through him as soon as you see him casting the spell.

Phase 2 is slightly more difficult where we have setup two camps for melee and range. You have to stack in order to mitigate the damage from the Twilight Meteorite. This and the void zones will make healing the raid much harder if you don't coordinate positioning very well. Every now and then a random raid member will get Engulfing Magic whereby he is not allowed to cast and has to move away from everyone else similar to XT-002 Deconstructor on Hardmode. However, if you get Engulfing Magic and is targeted by Twilight Meteorite at the same time, it's best to stack with raid and get heal through it rather than getting 1 shot by the meteor. Before this phase ends, Valiona will do a deep breath similar to Onyxia which will either hit the center, left or right portion of the room. This has to be avoided or else players that got hit by it will be transfered into Twilight Realm though this is only necesarry if you're doing the achievement Double Dragon. After the breath, Phase 1 will begin again. You will have 5 seconds before she casts Blackout forcing your raid to stay in tight group so it is easier to stack up and get dispelled immediately.

It was a fun raid, we got him downed in less than 10 attempts. I would like to shout out my thanks to Nowin from Thaurissan for helping us tank the boss for the night and congrats on the Necklace of Strife. Also congrats to our Warlock Felflame for winning this awesome trinket Theralion's Mirror.

OverPower Defeated the Twin Dragons

Friday, December 24, 2010

Halfus Wyrmbreaker Downed

Tonight we ventured into Bastion of Twilight which feature five bosses including Cho'gall plus one optional heroic boss. Trash pulls before the first boss Halfus Wyrmbreaker are pretty straight forward, we just assigned a few crowd controls and it went smoothly.

The Nether Scion Drake and Slate Drake were up for Halfus Wyrmbreaker encounter, which means tanks are going to be hit hard and they have to switch and coordinate things tightly. After the 7th attempt we finally got used to the mechanics of the fight. We decided to free Nether Scion Drake and zerg him with lust to remove Frenzied Assault. Our Death Knight tank grabbed the drake while our Paladin tank grabbed the boss. Once the Nether Scion was killed, the Death Knight tank taunted the boss allowing the Paladin tank to divine shield to remove his high amount of Malevolent Strikes stacks.

The Paladin then open the cage to free the Orphaned Emerald Whelps. We zerged down the whelps allowing the raid to take lesser damage from Halfus Protodrake. Once the whelps are gone, the Paladin tank taunted the boss while giving the Death Knight tank Blessing of Protection to remove his stacks. The Slate Dragon is then tanked and killed. Now, the boss is left alone and we zerged him down to about 50% where he starts to use Furious Roar every 30 seconds. With the Slate Drake dead, the boss is stunned every 12 seconds allowing our tanks to kite and drop stacks efficiently. We hit the enrage timer and the Boss went Beserk but due to the stuns, we managed to kill him while being kited.

We got this boss on Christmas Eve, so we would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a very great Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year!

Halfus Wyrmbreaker slain (with Nether Scion Drake & Slate Drake)

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Conclave of Wind Destroyed

We started raiding this week and tried Throne of the Four Winds. We downed the first boss Conclave of Wind last night which we think is relatively easy for first level entry of raiding in Cataclysm. I want to also thank Darmaul from Thaurissan for his pro tip on this encounter. We'll update you more on the next post.

Conclave of Wind Defeated in Throne of the Four Winds